A Brief History of Loghman Hakim General Hospital (LHGH)


The initial structure of LHGH was constructed in January 1938 catering to the ever-growing population of Southeastern Tehran. It was transformed into a 300-bed hospital under the auspices of the Ministry of Health in 1951.

The medical center, which was mainly an infectious diseases hospital, was then named after its master clinician, Loghmanuddoleh Adham “Loghman Hakim Hospital”. The medical center grew rapidly thereafter, establishing different medical and surgical services, and in 1971 took affiliation with then the National University and now Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, having 420 beds and turning into a major referral center for toxicology and neurosurgical services.

LHGH continued to grow its structures and services to become one of the main teaching hospitals in Iran with multiple centers of excellence such as Toxicology, Neurosurgery, Rheumatology, Dermatology, General Surgery. and Critical Care medicine.

The raw surface area of the hospital is 21,250 m2, constructed surface area of 36,131 m2 which houses 23 admitting floors, 428 active inpatient beds, and 42 specialty/subspeciality clinic. The current annual statistics show 142,119 outpatient clinic visit, 75,173 emergency department visits, 35.453 hospital admissions, and 9,778 surgeries and procedures in various disciplines.

The medical center has multiple research institutes attached to their respective departments of toxicology, base of skull surgery, rheumatology, hearing, brain mapping, and critical care quality improvement. Active fellowship programs are run by many of the departments of this hospital.

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